Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Brighten Like a Moon

Millions of stars in the sky,
But who stares them
Rise and shine all the night,
Still can't remove the darkness.

One lonely moon comes
Spreading its rays
Cooling everyone's eyes
Fills every mind with elixir. 

This world is very big,
Filled with humans
Everyone's a little star
Become a moon and brighten.

                 ---Translated By
                      Arshad Usmani
                     (From hindi primary school poem-
                       'Ban Ke Chand Karo Ujiyara')         

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Dear Diary #2

Sep 29, 13, Sun
Dear diary as today was passing a Sunday I wanted to make it worthwhile which I had failed to accomplish the week before. Beginning it with a heavy slumber leading to acute gaming on phone I finally perched on my reading spot. I started to read As Eagles Fly by Barbara Cartland from where I left it yesternight. The book was like a journey wound round mountains and jumping and thumping upon and down the ravines. And the love story.. Oh My.. Barbara Cartland always been an expert at demands, negotiations and exchanges in the matters of heart. Completing the book I went for a feast of some fresh air. Went to a mall, visited to a 'Rs. 99' Store and then returned. It was now time when I decided to pick some and I picked an old comic book Web of Mysteries #2 and read a story from it. Dah! the usual vampire story. So passe that it were sounding redundant. Freeing from it was time for some grammer lessons. Read a few lines about adjunct and then translated some sentences. So here I am again dear diary to talk to you. It's how cosy telling you all these, all these daily stuffs. Bye, will return again on next Suday. Good Night!