Thursday, 18 July 2019

Daily Struggle

That's right. I realize that only when I see my mother working, daily struggle.

When we were young we knew no problems. We thought our lives are so blissful. But when we are here all grown up, we see that it's not like that. Not at all. Why?

It's because now it's our turn to face the daily struggle. Earlier when we were young, our mother and father did everything. They absorbed all the problems in them so that we should see only brighter, greener and creamier.

Daily struggle... Keeps us busy. Takes us far from our loved one's. Snatches the free time, moments and memories yet to be made from us.

Daily struggle...  Puts tears in our eyes and longings in our loved ones who sit in the dark and wait for us.

Daily struggle... Chains us. Limits us. Takes our imaginations and makes us dumb. To forget dreams and look up.

Daily struggle... Same as our daily bread, breath and bath may brings prosperity and balance in our domestic life but it's a sacrifice of sort in itself.

                            -- Arshad Usmani